cigar club
Our Cigar Club
$44.95 per month (includes shipping and handling)
- Our extraordinary cigar club will deliver exceptional quality at outstanding values
- Receive five premium cigars with retail values between $6-$12 per cigar shipped on the 5th of each month
- A wide variety of shapes, sizes, and tobacco blends from highly rated, super-premium brands
- Cigars from the world’s most respected, top producing regions in Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic
- Tasting notes, cigar specifications, and cigar maker profiles pairings
- Monthly newsletter
- Order your favorite cigars at discounted prices
- No Contract
- Pause or cancel subscription at any time
Rewards program
Earn points
- Sign-up for Cigar Club- 2,000 Points
- Refer a Friend- 1,000 Points**
- Share on Facebook- 100 points
- Share on Instagram- 100 Points
- Make purchase on our website- Unlimited Points (100 points on 1 Purchase)
- 3,500 points– La Gitana T-shirt
- 5,000 points– Lighter and Cutter Set
- 7,500 points– La Gitana Sweatshirt
- 10,000 points– La Gitana Gift Box
**points earned after friend joins our cigar club